23/12/2007, 3:16am.
As the chilly wind blew outside, and I started to make my way back from my beloved "study" (read computer shack-let!) to my room, the gleaming white light on the balcony floor caught my eye. Having romanticised the superlatively glowing moon only a few hours back, I leaned over the rails and stared into the sky, my eyes and my eye teeming with expectation.
And behold, the sight on display on the gargantuan screen was NOTHING short of awe inspiring. For a moment or two, I just stood still, trying to catch my mind's breath. What lay before me was the stuff dreams are made of. All at once, it was inspiring, terrifying and downright awakening!
To think, that the muse that had sung many a sweet melodies to my self, could also take the form of this symbol of undeniable power (albeit borrowed), sent a million chills down my spine.
In the wonderful chaos that ensued, I managed to clickety click away an obscene number of pics, the pick of which (decent resolution) are available HERE. In spite of the inevitability of the inherent inadequacy of any form of documentation of SUCH a phenomenon, I hope SOMETHING manages to capture a fraction of the magic of nature in glory bordering on belligerence!
Another aspect of the experience which moved me...
The moon was firing on all cylinders, basking in its moment in the sun, (QUITE literally), and watching over as it touched a million souls all at once. IT, was living; albeit on scraps borrowed from the sun. In effect, the moon was singing a hymn of praise to the sun, through its deeds; through its act of shining like there was no tomorrow, and transforming a dark matrix of clouds into a canvas on which to paint its song.
This point led me to myself, and the people around me, and humanity in general.
WE, are little more than the dust off His feet. Taking the analogy from above, the most honest way to acknowledge and gratefully accept His infinite grace, would be to LIVE like the moon was living at that hour.
In other words, every action we do is an expression of where we come from; right from social circles, to family, to whatever we believe to be the One. Through every single thought and deed, it is not us, but the force BEHIND us that shines through.
And convinced as I am of our oneness in and with the One, I have grown to believe that one owes it to "the force behind", IF not to one's own self, to strive to achieve one's best always.
So while happiness, for us and 'our' people, remains THE goal to achieve in life, I hereby hypothesize, that a happiness without one's offering of the self to one's work, to one's dharma (if you will), to Him CANNOT be happiness at all.
The term "work" after a level 'should', I again hypothesize, become synonymous with meditation. I feel, one's bhaav to all things around one will grow in the normal course of events, till one can't help BUT shine on as a living testament for His glory.
I shall like to imagine THAT, to be THE state to be striven to be attained. Call it by whatever name you want to, but in essence I believe all of them are one in this sense.
Oh great moon that follows us always,
Ever unassuming of your own presence.
You, are the vehicle for the sun's glory,
For it is honourable to shine by oneself,
But blessed to spread the light to others.
This positive semblance of cosmic logic,
That You have opened our eyes to,
May it serve to guide both the best and the rest,
For the rest are but a moment behind the best,
Be with us when we need You the most.
To think of the day that has just passed,
My heart sings to You in joy,
Your eternal love all around me,
What else could I ask of Thee?
I love You and You love me,
What more do I need to be?