Such have been the times, that this post was left with a dangling title for a good 3 days before I returned.
Between reckless sleep deprivation, projects, presentations, thass and competitions, one has found lots to float, fly and write on. Just that the temporal resource variable has been growing scarcer by the day, or so one feels at least.
Anyhow, today I shall leave you with this 'poem' that came to me, whilst attending a lecture on "Management, Culture and Creativity", and viewing a video on Indian culture et al, to be more precise...
The general sense of awe, the music, the sights, the lotus and the light... were all equal parties in this conspiracy, to take the self to places it had never seen, and show it things it had perhaps never imagined...
There is light and there is life
In the heights of the blue green shades,
In those twirling streams of light,
I feel a thousand droplets of love;
Touching my face all at once,
In one moment of untouched peace.
As the road grows longer
And the times around me change,
I see trees blurring in a haze of shadows;
Lakes turning to poetry in gay abandon.
The birds in full flight up above,
Sing of a joy yet to be seen.
In and around me, this light moment,
Are filled countless strains of multi-hued will.
Each is a life in itself,
Each fills the universe with its presence,
Yet each is but a blink of the eye;
The eye that sees all yet holds none.
In you I find my sense of meaning,
Through you I seek my goals.
What can man want more,
Than to find himself while losing all that isn't?
The seeker comes to you at the end of the day.
In you I seek myself; the beginning and the end.
In the heights of the blue green shades,
In those twirling streams of light,
I feel a thousand droplets of love;
Touching my face all at once,
In one moment of untouched peace.
As the road grows longer
And the times around me change,
I see trees blurring in a haze of shadows;
Lakes turning to poetry in gay abandon.
The birds in full flight up above,
Sing of a joy yet to be seen.
In and around me, this light moment,
Are filled countless strains of multi-hued will.
Each is a life in itself,
Each fills the universe with its presence,
Yet each is but a blink of the eye;
The eye that sees all yet holds none.
In you I find my sense of meaning,
Through you I seek my goals.
What can man want more,
Than to find himself while losing all that isn't?
The seeker comes to you at the end of the day.
In you I seek myself; the beginning and the end.