Friday, November 25, 2011

Doob doob dada dida

The eyes are now a networked red
Something has died unnoticed within
The rhyme is not of the essence today
The time is past for one to pay

The seed let out a gasp n sigh
Afraid of the starry sky
Away from the light and musk and care
Away from the place it was its own

The times are slow and halting
The hands now tired
Into the blue one shall float
Leading to 'This is the end...'


PS: Nov 26
There is the one, in a crowded marketplace of mirrors. And there is only the one, till the time there is none; only a wisp of smoke, blending slowly into the light (aka void to some).

"Hello? One Medium Pepperoni please."

Cheers to South Park!

Q. - While people will always act within the bounds of human nature -- good people being good and bad people being bad, it takes religion to make good people bad.

A. - "Well, many religions also give people good reasons NOT to do bad things. And while people may do terrible things in the name of religion or via religion, they may have well still done them without the religion there -- it's just a justification provided for a choice already made."

-- Matt Stone & Trey Parker
(From South Park FAQ's)

Bet you didn't expect THIS from the ones who made Cartman and the gang! :)




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