Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Gazing heavenwards...

There are these superlatively beautiful times which pop up now and then, when one does things just because one wants to. No economics of managerial strings attached whatsoever. And invariably it is at times like these that we begin to somehow make some semblance of progress on the quest of understanding the simultaneously zero AND infinite expanse that is our life.

Just tonight for example.
It took a RANDOM walk to college, followed by a (by now notorious) sprawl on our campus greens... Looking up at the modestly bejeweled sky, the (now) cacophonic radio duly switched off, for the first time in my life I felt decently un-petrified, thinking of all that life had in store for me. I knew that I was headed into the land of unabated ambitions and aspirations, where it is only too easy to lose one's perspective on life and happiness, where one and all must grow fast, hoping against hope that the child in them survives the tests of time, circumstance, action and everything else that the "big bad world" throws at it...

What I realised (and i KNO this has been trumpetted a billion times already, but still.. an epiphany is an epiphany!)
The purpose and meaning of my existence does not necessarily derive itself solely from the work I do (professionally that is).. So no matter where I go, and no matter what I do... IF i can find a tiny little space to accommodate my precious little self, I shall I hope have taken the first step to ensure a minimal degree of happiness... the one commodity that has been and always shall be the root driving force behind ALL of our actions...

(More later!)

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Cheers to South Park!

Q. - While people will always act within the bounds of human nature -- good people being good and bad people being bad, it takes religion to make good people bad.

A. - "Well, many religions also give people good reasons NOT to do bad things. And while people may do terrible things in the name of religion or via religion, they may have well still done them without the religion there -- it's just a justification provided for a choice already made."

-- Matt Stone & Trey Parker
(From South Park FAQ's)

Bet you didn't expect THIS from the ones who made Cartman and the gang! :)




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