Sunday, January 25, 2009


Pre Scriptum: Before reading this, it would perhaps be advisable to scroll to the bottom of this post and play the track that shares its title with this post.
Thank you.

This is borne out of only (mostly), and only what this song has given to me this fine morning.
Given the loss of words I find myself in at this point, I shall buy some time by starting with what formed the backdrop for this experience.

Mid terms just ended, I found myself surprisingly free Friday evening. Though there was considerable work pending in matters outside of the classroom, the very fact that another set of exams had just flown past, was dope enough for the mind to fly and be free, after a long, long time (or so it seemed at least! Time dilation anyone? ;)

Starting that night, to the second that has just skiiped by, (yeah, that one right there!) I have finished 4 movies: Memento, Amadeus, Trois Couleurs: Rouge, Trois Couleurs: Blanc.
While people around me are in the double digits, 4 is a treasure for the time spendthrift movie fan in me. Further, prior to this I completed a blog post, which was supremely satisfying, albeit the slight aberrations that may been induced by the forces of empty-tummied-ness, and general insomniation.

Nevertheless, as has been made amply evident, these last 3 days have given wings to that which was stifled somewhere inside, in the face of a world growing up too fast. While this new found freedom provided several such flights, it was also responsible for the coming up of several old questions on life and the likes. However, it is stuff such as what forms the subject of this post, that invokes that all overriding call to divine procrastination, and its all embalming plea to a faith as blind as 2 bats sharing a drink at a tavern north of Northumbria.

The Light of the Almighty One.
The light which brings to life all that it falls upon.
The light which once seen, blinds one to the trivialties that the world throws towards one.
The light which, given our instrumental role in schemes larger than our selves, shines often through us and those around us.
The light, which helps us up when we fall into the maze that we ourselves create so masterfully.
The light which blurs all distinctions between I, you, Him, it and that.
The Light which shines through a million little eyes, yet complete as a whole, with meaning that waits, contingent, only for the one to give in to, and indeed become, the One.

All of the above, and SO much more which escapes my mortal comprehension and expression, is what lies concealed under the covers that this piece comes with. Blessed was the day when I procured this folder from my frontie, one of the early days in Jokaland.

To Noorunallah...

PS: Couldn't help but quote this, from this post long long back, which was magical in itself...

"To think of the day that has just passed,
My heart sings to You in joy,
Your eternal love all around me,
What else could I ask of Thee?
I love You and You love me,
What more do I need to be?"

Sigh... Such days... Such light... Such persevering, immaculate, eternal love...

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Cheers to South Park!

Q. - While people will always act within the bounds of human nature -- good people being good and bad people being bad, it takes religion to make good people bad.

A. - "Well, many religions also give people good reasons NOT to do bad things. And while people may do terrible things in the name of religion or via religion, they may have well still done them without the religion there -- it's just a justification provided for a choice already made."

-- Matt Stone & Trey Parker
(From South Park FAQ's)

Bet you didn't expect THIS from the ones who made Cartman and the gang! :)




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