Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Forward Descent - 1

02/06/2009 - 17:55:55
I look at the my brothers flying around on all sides.
As we were released into this world from those hallowed portals of yonderland, I could sense that building sense of transient equality that any athlete experiences when on the start line. The transience in itself was the potential that fuelled us to strive for ever rising heights. It was as if all the brotherhood that had bound us together all our lives, was about to be squeezed out of our cores, as we sought to grow, aspire and achieve.

It wasn't all blue though, or even green or yellow for that matter. What made that phase so fascinating was the multi-hued-ness that it brought with it. While there was the obvious sense of separation that loomed large, there was also that pleasant tingling sensation one gets in one's stomach, when approaching a momentous shift in one's existence. I think at some level, we all knew where we were going to land up eventually, it was just the trajectory that differed. For even the heights and distances covered mattered little when one merged with the earth, carrying little more than one's fast disappearing self, and leaving behind a spot on the motherland, and the faint scent of another gentle passing over. The role one played in the afterlife had been speculated and fantasized about in great detail, and with infectious fervour among our intellectuals. That of course didn't deter us from continuing to float on in our continuous phase of trans-meditative oneness. That was a time when nothing really mattered; when we didn't need John Lennon to tell us this, for we lived it without knowing any of it.

Anyhow, that day was then, and this is now.
And in between of course, was that day.
When the floodgates were opened finally; after all the suspense and drama, of which only a modest glimpse was provided above. I'll never forget that date, what a glorious figure that had been: 02/06/2009 - 17:55:54. The gardener had come for his daily duties, and we could sense that the day we had awaited for years, was to finally arrive.

Fast track to this moment of free flight.
And yet, there is something which pulls me inside. The people around me, behind me, ahead of me, are all running. And I run with them. I lead some, I trail some, and somehow the latter always seems the larger group. With every one I pass, I see 10 others ahead.
This seemingly endless stream of wants takes some of the sheen off the highly romanticized 'final flight' that poets spoke of in the tank.
One hopes to find more meaning, more light, and a more complete sense of happiness as one blends with the other elements, and stares into whatever awaits in the afterlife. Somewhere, I think there are many more levels that await me, and that one day I shall complete a circle, upon which I shall have, hopefully, learnt a little more about my self.
I have no reasons to believe I understand any of what I've just jotted down.
Maybe there will be.

Nice thought that was, as I approach the end of the road. I've lived longer than I'd ever dreamed!
What awaits awaits.
Que sera sera.
Drop no. 746383949, signing off from
Flat - B12, Sector - 34, Kurlapur, Navi Mumbai.

02/06/2009 - 17:55:56.

"An eternity passes by in the blink of an eye" - indeed...

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Cheers to South Park!

Q. - While people will always act within the bounds of human nature -- good people being good and bad people being bad, it takes religion to make good people bad.

A. - "Well, many religions also give people good reasons NOT to do bad things. And while people may do terrible things in the name of religion or via religion, they may have well still done them without the religion there -- it's just a justification provided for a choice already made."

-- Matt Stone & Trey Parker
(From South Park FAQ's)

Bet you didn't expect THIS from the ones who made Cartman and the gang! :)




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