What I see right now is hard to document or capture, but what can be, to the best of one's highly influenced senses, is that which has just opened to one, all of n thousand feet up in the sky.
As the sun shines down on the awakening earth, it elevates every instance of that which may be called the root of all life, to what we look for in night skies, albeit in a diametrically opposite configuration. As one passes one air furlong after another, the little smiling twinklets come, pause and leave in a moment of unassuming, unheralded silence. In fact it is more to the effect of disparate, disjoint entities, minding their own business, attending to the million things that engage each one of them. And then, during the normal execution of an average day in their life, we, the protagonists step in, and look around.
And there, in the midst of the quiet brown-ness that defines the locales otherwise, we observe the first signs of a brilliance so immaculate, it could brighten up a cloudy day, breathe life into a waning soul, and add a million colours to a mind desperately seeking some thing.
Little golden stars twinkle at us from all those miles away, shining with the grace and might of the sun. As they float by (or we do, as one may choose to look at things), the following hit one's senses, one after the other, in a surprisingly rhythmic manner:
1. The 'stars' shine on as long as we stay in their zones of influence. After which they cease to shine for us, but may continue to be their effervescent selves for other fortunate passers-by separated from ourselves on the time scale. Perhaps most importantly, the fact to be noted is that they come, they shine, and they continue with their lives, as they had previous to our introduction; and so do we.
In our lives and in our times, we are endowed with several blessings along the way. And I strongly believe that the greatest, most valuable of these treasures lie in the people we are privileged enough to be with. Owing to the very nature of our existences and the significance of one entity exchanging subliminals with others, inter-personal experiences top my list of His benevolence on us unknowing, unthinking mortals.
2. Soon after, a parallel storyline emerges, centred around the literal aptness of the term 'Taare Zameen Par' for these little instances of unspoken mirth.
When one looks back at the years that have been one's days; all that has been till now, and promises to be on the paths that lie ahead; one cannot help but marvel at the roles different people have played at different points in time. Wherever one has gone, whatever one has done, one has been under some immaculate light, which ensured the presence of a motley bunch one could treat as one's own.
So be it the playgrounds of the yonderyears, or the portals of school; the welcoming arms of college (made more so by the stars aforementioned), or the annals of Jokaland, and finally, even those dreamy, picturesque pathways of a certain car plant, working on, among other things, the single most awe-some project in my eyes; everywhere one's steps have taken one, one has been gifted with a sense of warmth and love, flowing through the people one has been close to. You are the stars; all of you!
3. The final phase of this sequence of revelations was one that would bring me to tears; tears that had waiting in the wings for a while now.
"All the world's a stage..." a wise sage must have spoken many thousand years back.
All those stars; all those people, were of course actors, as one has said previously.
However, the thread that connects them all together; the script that binds them all in a cosmic plot; the light that shines through all of them; the love that one absorbs from all that they symbolize and represent; that, is the same that built the stage; fuels the sun; paints the sky and all that lies above and below it; that, is Him.
And He loves you.
And he loves you enough to have his actors around you, to pick you up when you fall; to lend a shoulder in times of need; to deliver a kick on the backside on occasions of over-excess-itude.
We are all actors that play his hand, in different ways, at different times.
And for that, we are all blessed.
God bless!
Be happy!
Sigh... so much love...
PS: A sample of what led to this post.
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